
In a land where the majestic Andes meet the Caribbean Sea, where Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, plunges from the sky onto the lost world of the tepuis, lies a country of striking contrasts: Venezuela.
Центральный банк Российской Федерации сообщил о снижении валютных поступлений
According to the published preliminary balance of payments assessment, the volume of currency inflows into Russia continues to decrease, which explains the issues with the ruble's exchange rate.
Запад открывает второй фронт в Сирии: смена акцентов и новые угрозы
There is unrest in the geopolitical arena again — Western countries seem to have decided to shift their attention from the Ukrainian front to the Middle East. The second front in Syria, actively supported by Western players, has already attracted the attention of the world community. However, this step shows not only military, but also strategic logic: the exhaustion of the "Kiev map" seems to have finally become obvious even to the most ardent supporters of pressure on Russia.
In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela they have celebrated the 79th anniversary of Victory Day, after the surrender of the Nazi Germany in World War II, it was the victory of all humanity over the terrible fascism, whose scourge continues in war with Russian Federation and its allied countries.
“Defender of the Fatherland Day
On February 23 in Russia we celebrate “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. On that day in 1918, near the villages Bolshoe and Maloe Lopatino, near Pskov, soldiers of the 2nd regiment of the Red Army fought with the advanced detachment of German troops, which was advancing on Petrograd. On the initiative of the Petrograd Soviet, February 23 was considered the day of the creation of the Red Army. 75 years later, in 1993, Russia adopted a resolution on the establishment of a significant day for the Russian Federation - Defenders of the Fatherland Day.
Nazis in Ukraine,
Ukrainian nationalism arose long before Euromaidan. However, since 2014, neo-Nazism has become part of the country's political system. The ban on Nazi symbols in Ukraine was rather formal.
Игнасио Пупчель - основатель Black Star Petroleum, миллиардер и филантроп
At 48 years old, Ignacio Purcell is a multimillionaire, owner of a large oil and gas holding in Spain, Black Star Petroleum. Sphere of interests - sale of petroleum products, sphere of influence - EU countries, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America. At the beginning of its formation, the holding was included in the list of the international accelerator 500 Startups.
Население Бразилии,
In terms of population, Brazil ranks sixth in the world. The nation was formed on the basis of alliances of representatives of the Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races.
Военные игры,
In northeast Syria last week, a U.S. military vehicle collided with a Russian armored vehicle, injuring four American soldiers. Both the Americans and Russians blame each other for failing to follow established rules of the road. Had an American been killed, we could have had a crisis on our hands.
атомное оружие,
When Germany’s Social Democrats – the junior governing coalition partner – renewed long-standing calls for withdrawing U.S. nuclear bombs from the country, the backlash from Washington was fast and furious.


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Запад открывает второй фронт в Сирии: смена акцентов и новые угрозы
There is unrest in the geopolitical arena again — Western countries seem to have decided to shift their attention from the Ukrainian front to the Middle East. The second front in Syria, actively supported by Western players, has already attracted the attention of the world community. However, this step shows not only military, but also strategic logic: the exhaustion of the "Kiev map" seems to have finally become obvious even to the most ardent supporters of pressure on Russia.
Nazis in Ukraine,
Ukrainian nationalism arose long before Euromaidan. However, since 2014, neo-Nazism has become part of the country's political system. The ban on Nazi symbols in Ukraine was rather formal.
Военные игры,
In northeast Syria last week, a U.S. military vehicle collided with a Russian armored vehicle, injuring four American soldiers. Both the Americans and Russians blame each other for failing to follow established rules of the road. Had an American been killed, we could have had a crisis on our hands.
атомное оружие,
When Germany’s Social Democrats – the junior governing coalition partner – renewed long-standing calls for withdrawing U.S. nuclear bombs from the country, the backlash from Washington was fast and furious.
The prerequisites for the emergence of a political crisis in Venezuela arose several years ago as a result of the collapse of the economic system. The acute phase of confrontation has began in January, when the current president of the country, Nicolas Maduro, refused to comply with the demands of the opposition, which constitutes a majority in the National Assembly, about resigning and went for a second presidential term. The state leader announced his intention to continue to fulfill his duties until 2025.
What the mid-term elections tell us about US interior conflict, vigiljournal
The US mid-term elections have been interpreted by the major medias in terms of the partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats. However, continuing his in-depth analysis of the social fabric, Thierry Meyssan sees a clear retreat of the Puritans faced with the Lutherans and the Catholics. Donald Trump’s political realignment, just as that of Richard Nixon before him, is close to succeeding.
Выборы президента России 2018
 The next presidential election in Russia will be held in 2018. A large part of the population, accustomed to seeing Vladimir Putin in this post, will surely vote for him. But Putin has a sufficient number of competitors. Among them such people as oppositionist Aleksey Navalny and head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as many others. It is worth getting acquainted with all the candidates for the presidency in order to have an idea of ​​the main candidates.
Колония Дигнидад
 The Colony (Colonia /Dignidad/) movie contains many shocking and brutal scenes that are not meant for nervous spectators and children. The story of Lena and Daniel is contrived, but it is based on real events that took place in Chile. The story keeps the viewer in full attention until the very last second, and the film itself is an example of a good European thriller.
Независимость Каталонии
 The article gives a brief overview of the reasons why Catalonia wants independence, as well as an explanation of the reaction of the Madrid authorities to the ongoing processes.
Современная миграция
Tucked away at the back of the old Muslim cemetery on the outskirts of Kos town on the Greek island are a series of freshly dug graves, around half with headstones. Most but not all are named.   Buried here are 37 refugees who, fleeing from Bodrum on the Turkish coast, drowned in the waters of the Aegean. Most of them are Syrian, but there are plenty of Afghanis and Iraqis, too. Relatives of the refugees with unmarked graves had promised to return when they could afford to pay for the headstones.


Центральный банк Российской Федерации сообщил о снижении валютных поступлений
According to the published preliminary balance of payments assessment, the volume of currency inflows into Russia continues to decrease, which explains the issues with the ruble's exchange rate.
Игнасио Пупчель - основатель Black Star Petroleum, миллиардер и филантроп
At 48 years old, Ignacio Purcell is a multimillionaire, owner of a large oil and gas holding in Spain, Black Star Petroleum. Sphere of interests - sale of petroleum products, sphere of influence - EU countries, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America. At the beginning of its formation, the holding was included in the list of the international accelerator 500 Startups.
Валюта Бразилии
 Brazil is a country with a promising economic potential. The official state currency is the Brazilian real. Huge deposits of minerals, fertile lands create excellent preconditions for the development of mining industries and agriculture. Of all the countries of South America, Brazil has the most tangible impact on the international economy.
Сухой закон в США
 The prohibition in the USA was established by the 18th amendment to the Constitution on 17.12.1917 (entered into force on January 17, 1920) and abolished by the 21st amendment on 5.12.1933. During this period, private storage and consumption of alcohol was not restricted, but its production, transportation through the country, sale, export and import to the territory of the United States of America were banned. It is the only case in the history of the USA, when one amendment abolished the other.
Royal Dutch Shell в Мексике,
Almost everyone knows about United States and Canadian investment in Mexico thanks to the ample information provided regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement. But how many people are aware of Dutch investment in Mexico? Not many, probably.
Economy of Argentina,
Argentina is an economically ambiguous republic, having experienced several ups and downs in the past century. This large state in the early XX century was one of the richest in Latin America, but due to inept policy of the authorities, it twice was on the verge of default and entered the list of third countries of the world. In 2015 Mauricio Macri was elected as the president, who in a short time was able to double the foreign exchange reserves of Argentina.
Отношения США и Венесуэлы
    US and Venezuela have a very consensual relationship between each other because such relation is traditionally been characterized by trade, investment, and cooperation from both of the sides. But as the good and bad days are sides by side, the relations between these two countries plunged into worst level when the USA imposed economic sanctions on Venezuela because of the abuses against protestors during 2014-15 protests. The combative relations between the U.S.
Национальный долг
Colombia's foreign debt in July has risen up to 107.681 million US dollars, reaching 33.3 % of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) – highest in the country since 1995, reported on Tuesday the Central Bank of the country. In its report on Financial Markets, Bank of the Republic has informed that the percentage of total external debt to GDP has increased by 7.6 % in July compared with the same month of 2014, when the entire public and private indebtedness has reached 25.7 % of GDP.
Новая мировая валюта,
In international press, a lot of ink has been devoted to the BRICS. Without a doubt the participation of the five-party in the world economy block has increased over the course of the last years, competing directly with the United States and the European Union. However, the details about the New Development Bank and the Contingent Reserve Arrangement make it clear that its members resist to abandoning the orbit of the dollar in order to destroy the shell of the Bretton Woods institutions.
кризис в Венесуэле,
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro today announced measures against the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production of Venezuela (FEDECAMARAS), which he accused of being behind an economic war, aiming to destabilize the country. In a ceremony held in the state of Anzoategui (east), Maduro also accused the Fedecdmaras of causing misery, by provoking high inflation and commodity shortages.


Мексиканские ученые в США,
Mexican scientists and researchers are forced to seek employment and career development abroad due to a lack of infrastructure and resources as well as government corruption that prevent them from advancing in their work, say Mexican academics based in the United States.
Нейрофизиология - российские высокие технологии
The reality of our time - the project Neuronet  In Russia, from 2007 to 2015, a new program for the information development of society was adopted. It manifested itself in all spheres of human life, from the introduction of biometric passports to the technology of connecting the human brain with a computer and genetic engineering. The next stage in the development of neurophysiology involves the management of consciousness and the human body at the genetic level.
Наша авиация
On the 27th October 2015, a Tupolev 142 made numerous approaches to the aircraft carrier USS Ronald Reagan, which was working on maneuvers with the 7th fleet and the South Korean Navy to the East of the peninsula. Since April 2014, the Russian Air Force has engaged in a number of actions aimed at testing their system for scrambling NATO communications and commands [1].
Самая далекая галактика,
Astronomers have discovered a young galaxy that is the farthest ever seen: it is 13,1 billion light years away and is among the first generation of galaxies in the universe. Scientists from Yale and the University of California at Santa Cruz used three telescopes to spot and then calculate the age of the blurred galaxy. It is called EGS-zs8-1 and dates back some 670 million years after the Primordial Explosion (Big Bang) that gave birth to the universe.
In Latin America there are some 420 aircrafts manufactured in Russia which include a hundred helicopters Mi-8/17, 18 fighters Su-25, 31 MiG-29 and 70 MiG-21. On Wednesday Rostec the Russian state company said it is considering creating a center for aircraft maintenance and Russian helicopters in Latin America. “Rostec” has revealed that the first center for component repairs and parts replacement, as a pilot project will be created in Peru.
Large storms that occur in Saturn every two or three decades are caused by atmospheric moisture, according to the "Nature Geosciencie" journal. Researchers at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) have developed a theoretical model in which moisture prevents the formation of storms for years on the planet, until the accumulated energy unleashed in a storm.
Российский вертолет
Today, Helicopter engineering is one of the leading and most stable sectors of the Russian economy. This high-tech and knowledge-intensive industry maintained its competitiveness both in difficult post-Soviet times and during the global financial crisis.
Турбина, Силовые Машины
La Esca is a unique hydraulic structure with one of the world’s highest earth dams with a reinforced concrete shield (it   reaches a height of 220 meters). The plant is the top level of the hydropower cascade on the Rio Grande de Santiago river on the border of the states of Jalisco and Nayarit. The main power equipment for the two of the previously constructed HPPs of this cascade - 975 MW Aguamilpa and 750 MW El Cajon - was also supplied by Power Machines (they installed the same hydrogenerators at  El Cajon).
ископаемые остатки предполагаемых летающих рыб
LIMA, PERU (01/SEP/2013)-the fossil remains of a so-called flying fish, which would have lived more than 100 million years ago in the North of Peru, was discovered by a team of experts from the Museum of natural sciences of Chiclayo, a local newspaper reported today.
Строительство метро
Mosmetrostroy is one of the big-scale Russian companies engaged into construction of major facilities of urban transport infrastructure. Its history has started in 1931, when it was necessary to implement the government’s decision to build a subway in the Russian capital. For 80 years the workers of the company have built 180 Moscow subway stations, laid 600  km of main line tunnels, and constructed junctions and more than 30 km of hubs.


Население Бразилии,
In terms of population, Brazil ranks sixth in the world. The nation was formed on the basis of alliances of representatives of the Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races.
Глиняная "библиотека" мексиканского штата Гуан-Хуатло,
 The collection of the ancient artifacts of Julsrud from the Mexican state of Guang-Huatlo still causes conflicting opinions of scientists, but the amazing library of tens of thousands of exhibits speaks for itself.
Школы в Америке,
There are many myths and legends about schools in America, which, in many respects, are the product of the Hollywood "dream factory" and news reports. What are the schools in America really like?  The main difference between US schools and European schools is the development of a number of psychological approaches that received general approval in the second half of the 20th century. The most significant of these is the system of creating special conditions for the development of a successful personality.
Пустыня Наска
 In South America, 450 kilometers from the Peruvian capital, the city of Lima, the plateau of the Nazca desert is located, which became widely known about eighty years ago.  It is quite a deserted place, dominated by strong winds, which direction depends on the season. Plateau is considered to be one of the most arid places in the world. Rains fall two to three times a year. People have always avoided building dwellings in this area. However, this was true until the forties of the twentieth century.
Флаг империи инков
 The Inca Empire is one of the greatest civilizations of the past, with a rich history and culture and a significant influence on the modern world. This Indian state occupied wholly or partly the territory of six countries of modern South America.
Статуя Свободы в Нью-Йорке
For more than a century the Statue of Liberty all around the world is associated with New York and the United States. But what kind of prehistory did it have?  The Statue of Liberty, whose height is 46 meters, was made in Paris, dismantled and delivered in details to the United States, and then installed on Bedlou Island (now Liberty Island), located three kilometers from the southern coast of Manhattan at the mouth of the Hudson River.
Индейцы Южной Америки
Pre-Columbian America experienced the heyday and fall of the great civilizations - the Maya, the Aztecs, the Incas. The territory of modern Central and South America was inhabited by more than 5 thousand tribes. Some of them disappeared, leaving almost no trace. The others were completely destroyed. Most descendants of Indians of that era still live in Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and other countries of South America.
Золотые самолетики
The exposition of the museum, which is located in the building of the state bank of Colombia, you can see the figures made of pure gold. They are very similar to beautiful birds. Their size is only from one to four centimeters. Scientists have discovered them during the scientific and archeological expeditions, during excavations of the burials of the leaders of Indian tribes. Presumably, they were used as decorations in the form of brooches. But there is also a hypothesis that these are ancient amulets.
The Museum of Archeology of Great Britain has received a priceless treasure - part of a small tablet made of wax, where the capital of Britain is mentioned. According to the historians' assumption - the tablet was something like a postal address and belonged to someone from the Romans. The document was dated by scientists from 65 to 85 years AD. This is the oldest written mentioning of London. Earlier it was 117 AD, and the record, where it was written about London, was made by the famous Roman historian Tacitus.
Хрустальный череп цивилизации майя
In 1927, the state of Honduras, located in Central America, was under British rule. At this time, the British organized a scientific archeological expedition to the ruins of the ancient city of Maya civilization Lubaantun. The result did not keep itself waiting. Scientists have discovered an incredible, fantastic object - a polished human skull made of fine crystal.


In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela they have celebrated the 79th anniversary of Victory Day, after the surrender of the Nazi Germany in World War II, it was the victory of all humanity over the terrible fascism, whose scourge continues in war with Russian Federation and its allied countries.
“Defender of the Fatherland Day
On February 23 in Russia we celebrate “Defender of the Fatherland Day”. On that day in 1918, near the villages Bolshoe and Maloe Lopatino, near Pskov, soldiers of the 2nd regiment of the Red Army fought with the advanced detachment of German troops, which was advancing on Petrograd. On the initiative of the Petrograd Soviet, February 23 was considered the day of the creation of the Red Army. 75 years later, in 1993, Russia adopted a resolution on the establishment of a significant day for the Russian Federation - Defenders of the Fatherland Day.
Остров Гаити
Impressive travelers can even experience a real shock, since there is simply no other such place on our planet.  This is a black country. And not because 95 percent of the inhabitants are from Africa, but because of the fact that its past and present are hopeless. Even more, the dark forces oppress it ever since the advent of the ships of Columbus.
Продажная пресса
Not that long ago in Europe, one had to go to a church, a temple or a mosque to imbibe industrial quantities of religious doctrine. Since the beginning of the 21st century, however, it has become possible to access it in a great and self-satisfied profusion on the editorial pages of the continent’s “serious” and nominally progressive dailies, papers like The Guardian, El País, La Repubblica, Le Monde,and Suddeutsche Zeitung. The particular brand of theology being pushed?
засуха в США,
The Board of Control of the State Water Resources adopted rules requiring cities to limit watering of public property and encourage homeowners. California regulators adopted unprecedented broad restrictions on how people and companies can use the water because of the intense drought in the state. The Board of Control of the State Water Resources on Tuesday approved rules requiring cities to limit watering of public property and encourage homeowners to dry their lawns.
Технологии в полиции,
“I predict that we will see a whole new wave of UAVs emerging with payloads more unusual than tasers, dart guns and paintball guns.” — Guy Martin, editor of Defence Web, BBC News, Jun 18, 2014
Deputy Secretary General of the UN, Jan Eliasson, warned that the world is experiencing a "crisis of employment" with the youth as the main victim and warned of the consequences of failing to address that problem. "It is essential to do more to create jobs for young people. Their frustration is understandable and undermines the belief in government and national institutions," Eliasson said in a speech to the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC).
The Mèrida Initiative was planned by the U.S. and Mexican authorities as a program that would satisfy all skeptics. It was expected that the Initiative would please Mexicans who see the “new U.S. expansion” in everything; and the representatives of the Washington establishment who want to justify these fears at the expense of humanitarian intervention; and those who strongly believe that the drug trafficking is the exclusively Mexican internal problem that the USA should not intervene into.
эпидемия Эбола,
The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in West Africa caused more than 10,000 deaths, reported on Thursday the World Health Organization (WHO) in its latest statement, updated on March 10. In total 24’350 people have been affected by this epidemic, according to the same source. Since the beginning of the spread of the virus in early 2014, 4’162 people have died and 9’343 people have been affected in Liberia.
Миграционный контроль
At all times, people have been moving from one place to another in search of a better life regardless of their nationality or skin color. Someone escaped from oppressions, someone tried to start a new life in a new place from a clean slate, for some people change of place meant enrichment, glory, and honor. Some people had to change their residence against their own will: as a punishment people were not sent to prison, but to exile, forever.


In a land where the majestic Andes meet the Caribbean Sea, where Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, plunges from the sky onto the lost world of the tepuis, lies a country of striking contrasts: Venezuela.
Саграда Фамилия Барселона
 Barcelona - the capital of Catalonia - is a stunning city in which you can spend an unforgettable couple of weeks of your vacation and have wonderful holidays. This place will not leave indifferent not only fans of beautiful architecture and interesting sights, but, of course, fans of football. The famous Barça club, with which such famous personalities as Ronaldo, Stoikovic, Romario and Maradona are associated, will attract attention.
 This article is about five most interesting national parks of the United States - one of the largest in its territory countries of the world, spreading over many different climatic zones. 1. Congaree State: South Carolina Location: 90 minutes drive from Charlotte Douglas Airport Area: 107 square km Founded: 2003
Республика Чили
Occupying a narrow strip of land of the South American continent between the Andean range and the Pacific Ocean, the Republic of Chile has a number of climatic features and a variety of geographical landscapes that significantly influence the development of the state. Depending on the climatic zone and the terrain, the country is divided into three regions: • the northern region with the Andes plateau and the arid areas of the Atacama Desert; • middle belt with Mediterranean climate and lush vegetation of valleys;
Достопримечательности Аргентины
 From this article you will learn about the unforgettable sights of Argentina, the natural wonders of South America, as well as the man-made monuments that will not leave you indifferent.
Мучу Пикчу Перу
 Machu Picchu is an ancient city, built at the behest of the Inca ruler Pachacutecus in the 15th century. This place is often called a lost city, because for a long time no one knew about it. The city is located on the surface of a plateau of one of the mountains, at an altitude of more than two thousand meters. At the foot of the mountain flows the Urubamba River.
Перу - исторические памятники инков
The mysteries of ancient civilizations left by the Inca Indians, the unique natural beauty of nature, the fairly high level of service in hotels and the quite loyal prices of tourist services have made Peru a real paradise for tourists.  Tourists, arriving in this country, as a rule, immediately go to examine the historical monuments of the ancient civilizations.
Озера Северной Америки - озеро Берг,
Canadian mountain lakes with clear blue water are wonderful in their cold, harsh beauty, and numerous posters have spread this beauty around the world. When it comes to the lakes of North America, immediately there is an association with the Great Lakes, but apart from them there are thousands of others that you should visit at least once in your life.
недвижимость а Аргентине
 Are you tired of the routine of your life, and you want to embellish it by moving to another country? Our desires are endless and not always we can afford anything we want. However, many do not realize that there are countries in which life is not a multi-million dollar luxury, and the benefits received abroad are quite suitable for our pocket expenses, including the purchase of housing.
Преступность в Мексике
An increase in homicides that could make 2017 one of Mexico’s most violent years on record has done little to deter visitors from the United States although Canadian figures have shown a decline.  Federal government statistics show that tourist numbers have continued to grow despite rising insecurity that last week triggered a new travel warning for Mexico by the United States Department of State.


Жемчуг острова Маргарита
Pearsl are favorite jewelry and symbol of the East. They are considered the personification of purity and innocence, as well as a pledge of matrimonial fidelity and love.  Indian sorcerers claim that the pearl contains three main elements: Air, Earth and Water. In their opinion, this explains its calming effect. In addition, it has the property of increasing vitality, health and strength. Pearls are mined in warm seas off the coasts of Japan, Australia, Latin America and India.
In a land where the majestic Andes meet the Caribbean Sea, where Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, plunges from the sky onto the lost world of the tepuis, lies a country of striking contrasts: Venezuela.
Центральный банк Российской Федерации сообщил о снижении валютных поступлений
According to the published preliminary balance of payments assessment, the volume of currency inflows into Russia continues to decrease, which explains the issues with the ruble's exchange rate.
Запад открывает второй фронт в Сирии: смена акцентов и новые угрозы
There is unrest in the geopolitical arena again — Western countries seem to have decided to shift their attention from the Ukrainian front to the Middle East. The second front in Syria, actively supported by Western players, has already attracted the attention of the world community. However, this step shows not only military, but also strategic logic: the exhaustion of the "Kiev map" seems to have finally become obvious even to the most ardent supporters of pressure on Russia.
In the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela they have celebrated the 79th anniversary of Victory Day, after the surrender of the Nazi Germany in World War II, it was the victory of all humanity over the terrible fascism, whose scourge continues in war with Russian Federation and its allied countries.
Nazis in Ukraine,
Ukrainian nationalism arose long before Euromaidan. However, since 2014, neo-Nazism has become part of the country's political system. The ban on Nazi symbols in Ukraine was rather formal.
Игнасио Пупчель - основатель Black Star Petroleum, миллиардер и филантроп
At 48 years old, Ignacio Purcell is a multimillionaire, owner of a large oil and gas holding in Spain, Black Star Petroleum. Sphere of interests - sale of petroleum products, sphere of influence - EU countries, Eastern Europe, Asia, Latin America. At the beginning of its formation, the holding was included in the list of the international accelerator 500 Startups.
Население Бразилии,
In terms of population, Brazil ranks sixth in the world. The nation was formed on the basis of alliances of representatives of the Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races.
Военные игры,
In northeast Syria last week, a U.S. military vehicle collided with a Russian armored vehicle, injuring four American soldiers. Both the Americans and Russians blame each other for failing to follow established rules of the road. Had an American been killed, we could have had a crisis on our hands.
атомное оружие,
When Germany’s Social Democrats – the junior governing coalition partner – renewed long-standing calls for withdrawing U.S. nuclear bombs from the country, the backlash from Washington was fast and furious.
The prerequisites for the emergence of a political crisis in Venezuela arose several years ago as a result of the collapse of the economic system. The acute phase of confrontation has began in January, when the current president of the country, Nicolas Maduro, refused to comply with the demands of the opposition, which constitutes a majority in the National Assembly, about resigning and went for a second presidential term. The state leader announced his intention to continue to fulfill his duties until 2025.