
The prerequisites for the emergence of a political crisis in Venezuela arose several years ago as a result of the collapse of the economic system. The acute phase of confrontation has began in January, when the current president of the country, Nicolas Maduro, refused to comply with the demands of the opposition, which constitutes a majority in the National Assembly, about resigning and went for a second presidential term. The state leader announced his intention to continue to fulfill his duties until 2025.
What the mid-term elections tell us about US interior conflict, vigiljournal
The US mid-term elections have been interpreted by the major medias in terms of the partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats. However, continuing his in-depth analysis of the social fabric, Thierry Meyssan sees a clear retreat of the Puritans faced with the Lutherans and the Catholics. Donald Trump’s political realignment, just as that of Richard Nixon before him, is close to succeeding.
Глиняная "библиотека" мексиканского штата Гуан-Хуатло,
 The collection of the ancient artifacts of Julsrud from the Mexican state of Guang-Huatlo still causes conflicting opinions of scientists, but the amazing library of tens of thousands of exhibits speaks for itself.
Школы в Америке,
There are many myths and legends about schools in America, which, in many respects, are the product of the Hollywood "dream factory" and news reports. What are the schools in America really like?  The main difference between US schools and European schools is the development of a number of psychological approaches that received general approval in the second half of the 20th century. The most significant of these is the system of creating special conditions for the development of a successful personality.
Выборы президента России 2018
 The next presidential election in Russia will be held in 2018. A large part of the population, accustomed to seeing Vladimir Putin in this post, will surely vote for him. But Putin has a sufficient number of competitors. Among them such people as oppositionist Aleksey Navalny and head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as many others. It is worth getting acquainted with all the candidates for the presidency in order to have an idea of ​​the main candidates.
Саграда Фамилия Барселона
 Barcelona - the capital of Catalonia - is a stunning city in which you can spend an unforgettable couple of weeks of your vacation and have wonderful holidays. This place will not leave indifferent not only fans of beautiful architecture and interesting sights, but, of course, fans of football. The famous Barça club, with which such famous personalities as Ronaldo, Stoikovic, Romario and Maradona are associated, will attract attention.
Колония Дигнидад
 The Colony (Colonia /Dignidad/) movie contains many shocking and brutal scenes that are not meant for nervous spectators and children. The story of Lena and Daniel is contrived, but it is based on real events that took place in Chile. The story keeps the viewer in full attention until the very last second, and the film itself is an example of a good European thriller.
Независимость Каталонии
 The article gives a brief overview of the reasons why Catalonia wants independence, as well as an explanation of the reaction of the Madrid authorities to the ongoing processes.
 This article is about five most interesting national parks of the United States - one of the largest in its territory countries of the world, spreading over many different climatic zones. 1. Congaree State: South Carolina Location: 90 minutes drive from Charlotte Douglas Airport Area: 107 square km Founded: 2003
Валюта Бразилии
 Brazil is a country with a promising economic potential. The official state currency is the Brazilian real. Huge deposits of minerals, fertile lands create excellent preconditions for the development of mining industries and agriculture. Of all the countries of South America, Brazil has the most tangible impact on the international economy.


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НАТО против РФ
Are the leaders of European member states of NATO planning to follow the example of José Manuel Barroso, who became a lobbyist for Goldman Sachs after his term as president of the European Commission? Were they using the NATO summit to prepare for a career switch as consultants to General Dynamics or some other US arms manufacturer?
Новая "холодная" война
Despite claims made during NATO Summit Warsaw 2016, that “NATO remains a fundamental source of security for our people, and stability for the wider world,” it is clear that the threats and challenges NATO poses as existing to confront are in fact threats of its own, intentional creation and continued perpetuation.
Государственный терроризм
On June 12, 2016 Omar Mateen shot and killed 49 people at a nightclub in Orlando, Florida, before being killed by police himself. Those are the simple facts of the case. Press coverage in the aftermath has been predictably overheated but rarely enlightening.  The torrent of information makes it difficult to separate fact from fiction or to analyze events in any meaningful way. The most important points about Mateen have been obscured because the truth is inconvenient to the government and to its allies in corporate media.
Революция в Америке
The Bolivian president said socialist governments in South America must launch democratic revolutions to counter U.S. plans to regain control. Socialist governments in Latin America must relaunch “democratic revolutions” in order to combat the strategies in play by the United States to regain control of the region, Bolivian President Evo Morales said in an interview aired Monday night.
Россия готова к войне
So foreign ministers from the 28 NATO member-nations met in Brussels for a two-day summit, while mighty military power Montenegro was inducted as a new member. Global Robocop NATO predictably discussed Afghanistan (a war NATO ignominiously lost); Iraq (a war the Pentagon ignominiously lost); Libya (a nation NATO turned into a failed state devastated by militia hell); Syria (a nation NATO, via Turkey, would love to invade, and is already a militia hell).
Преступление без наказания
The US military has adopted an Israeli procedure known as “roof-knocking” in its war on Islamic State, also known as ISIS or Daesh, adding yet another failed Israeli tactic to its counterterrorism toolkit. Roof-knocking entails striking the roof or upper story of a home or building with a mortar shell or missile prior to bombing it with even bigger munitions, in a supposed effort to warn civilians inside that they should evacuate.
Геополитика дешевой нефти
The market was supposed to save the planet. That, at least, was the argument of many economists grappling with the problem of climate change. As fossil fuels became scarcer, they pointed out, the price of oil and natural gas would go up. And then other options, like solar and wind, would become cheaper, particularly as investment flowed into that sector and drove down the cost of new technologies. And voila: The invisible hand would gradually turn down the global thermostat.
Создание Курдистана
Paris and London are multiplying their categorical declarations against Daesh, its programme of ethnic cleansing and its terrorist attacks. And yet they are preparing in secret for the ethnic cleansing of Northern Syria with a view to creating a pseudo-Kurdistan, and the re-localisation of Daesh to Al-Anbar in order to create a « Sunnistan » there. Thierry Meyssan analyses this plan, and underlines the numerous contradictions in the official discourse.
Экспорт Украины
Qatar has bought sophisticated military equipment from Ukraine on behalf of ISIS. The operation took place in late September 2015, just before the Russian military action against the terrorist organization. It was approved by the US embassy in Doha. Officially, the new emir is not involved in the war in Iraq and Syria.
Время перемен,
The days of the « Arab Spring » are almost over. As of now, the White House and the Kremlin are redesigning the contours of the « Greater Middle East ». However, their agreement, which was concluded before the Russian military intervention in Syria, could still be modified by the changes in the balance of power. There is no proof that Moscow will accept the stabilisation of Syria or ignore the partition of Turkey and Saudi Arabia which are soon to begin.


The Senate approved with 53 votes in favor and two against the government initiative of Cristina Fernández, which has already been backed by the Chamber of Deputies. With the enactment of the law on Wednesday, the Argentine State recovered control of the freight and passenger rail system, privatized in the 1990s. In fact the State has regained control over most of the country’s railway lines because of failure of the companies that controlled them to provide the services.
Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, acknowledged today that there is an "economic problem" in the country, although she hopes that the recovery will come later this year thanks to fiscal adjustments, made by the government. "Without a shadow of doubt, there is an economic problem in the country. We had a very difficult economic situation," said Rousseff during a meeting with bloggers and journalists from several Brazilian news portals.
The China Development Bank (CDB), one of the two banks of Chinese development, and Brazil's Petrobras today announced an agreement to open a credit line of 3,5 billion dollars for the oil company. In a brief statement, without specifying the details of the agreement, Petrobras reported that "the parties confirmed the intention to develop a new partnership in the future."
экономика Украины,
Faced with the collapse of the Ukrainian economy, the West only offers promises, says US expert. "We have lost a quarter of the national economy," said Yatseniuk at a meeting with governors. He further stated that hundreds of companies had to close, although Ukraine has collected more in taxes this year than in 2014 and there were no delays in social payments.
If we take into account the February inflation rate of 1.22%, Brazil has accumulated over the last twelve months 7.7%, exceeding the fiscal target set by the government of Rousseff and has reached the worst figures in the last ten years. Gasoline rose 8.42% last month, ethanol 7.19% and diesel 5.32%, these increases have helped to push overall inflation. Public transport and education have also risen last month. In the regular courses, the monthly rise has accounted to an average of 7%.
The month of January was a taste of what awaits us this year in terms of revenue. The 47 percent drop in oil exports, which amounts to a loss of 812 million dollars, could not be compensated by the 15.3 percent increase of automobile exports in the first month of 2015.
MOSCOW -- Russia, holder of the world's fifth largest stash of foreign currencies, is increasing its gold purchases. One reason for this is the country's increasing wariness of the dollar and euro now that Russia has come under U.S. and European sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. Another reason is that these currencies are becoming increasingly risky to hold due to the swelling debts of the governments that back them.
Россия и Мексика
Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Mexico for Economic Affairs Nikolai Shkolyar: 'Development of the export support strategy is necessary for effective promotion of Russian products abroad'  
Международный Фонд Инвестиционного Сотрудничества
Active expansion of Russian ties with Latin America has generated a need for an annual international forum, which will make it possible to share experience and technologies, and strengthen investment cooperation. The first experience was the conference "Russia - Latin America. Ways of Development and Strengthening of Trade and Economic Relations" in Moscow organized by the International Investment Cooperation Fund.
Флаг Швейцарии
It is no secret that today Switzerland is one of the most stable trading partners of Russia. And for the Swiss side, Russia is part of the seven priorities in the cooperation in the scientific field, where a new phase of development is expected after the signing of the bilateral treaty on cooperation in science and technology.


Пластическая косметология
Do you pay attention to how faces are changing with age? A charming woman suddenly sees in the mirror circles under her eyes, lowered corners of the eyebrows, eyes, and lips, fallen cheeks, and ineffective curves of the body contour. Speaking the language of science, age-related changes are accompanied by an increase in the skin area and reduced amount of subcutaneous fat.  
SANTIAGO, CHILE (10/JUL/2013.) - The Chilean Health Ministry confirmed today that 33 people have been killed by the influenza A H1N1 this year, 12 of them in recent weeks by an outbreak in the Tarapaca region in the north of the country. This is according to the minister, Jaime Mañalich, who has stressed out that the outbreak is under control. "Today it appears, and I say this with extreme caution. During Epidemiological Week number 27 is controlled, we have no new serious cases," said the minister.
Форум "Инженеры будущего"
This year the Russian Engineering Union is celebrating its first jubilee. Within five years the organization not only united the leading companies of the country, but became a powerful driving force. The important step was made last year, when a new political trend connected with participation in All-Russia People’s Front arose. 


Русские в Бразилии
The article tells about the life in Brazil of immigrants from Russia. How does the Russian diaspora live in the largest Latin American country, what difficulties do our migrants face, and what should the settlers be prepared for when they go to Brazil? You will find the answers to these questions in this material.
Русские в Аргентине
The article tells about the life of Russian community in Argentina.
Артефакты древнего Египта,
Today USA returned to the government of Egypt dozens of ancient archaeological pieces that had been illegally smuggled into the country. The pieces were recovered as part of operation "Curse of the Mummy" and handed over in the building of the National Geographic Society, including a Greco-Roman style sarcophagus, sculpture of a horse and multiple figurines.
протесты в Нью-Йорке,
At least 40 young Mexicans went on hunger strike in New York, demanding the Governor Andrew Cuomo to include in his budget proposal a law that would benefit undocumented students. Mexicans are part of a group of at least 70 people who decided to join the protest, after Governor Cuomo announced last Tuesday that the "Dream" budget law has been removed from the draft.
The radical jihadist Islamic State (ISIS) destroyed five historic churches in northern Iraq and removed crucifixes from the cupolas, the priest Bashar Kalia said. The extremists destroyed the tombs, the statues, drawings, engravings of Virgin Mary in the ancient monastery and the religious monument of Markurkas, in the district of Al Arabi, in Mosul. They also raised terrorist group Black flags atop the church.
The Peruvian government seeks to protect Mashco-piro an Amazonian tribe which has been living in isolation for years and recently began to leave its territory, probably driven by mining and illegal logging. It is an ethnic group of hunters and gatherers who speak an unknown language. Consisting of about 800 members, for years the tribe has lived on a reservation of Madre de Dios (on the border with Brazil), the region with the largest illegal gold production in the country, but now it is moving.
Culture of peoples that inhabited the New World territory in pre-Columbian era has always attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world. Not only scientists but just curious people also took part in the researches – dozens of daredevils of different nationalities set off on the dangerous expedition into the wild places of Yucatan, the Amazon and the Peruvian desert for discoveries.
That was a mere sensation... Within two weeks of Sochi Olympics the 22 channel of Mexican TV interviewed the Russians staying in Mexico in prime time every evening. For the first time in history of the two countries the Russians were shown in close up on Mexican TV open-mindedly, with a great interest and obvious sympathy. Mexico rediscovered Russia and the Russians. One of the local reporters called it 'Russian Conquista'.
Алисия Родригес на Алтае
Alicia Rodriguez is a world renowned actress who played in 53 films and TV series and obtained nine awards as the Best Television Actress of Mexico. But the most important activity of her life she has been involved with during the last 27 years is self-sacrificing dissemination of the Banner of Peace and the Roerich Pact ideas related to protection of cultural values of world significance all over the globe.
Хосе Антонио Соролья
Residents of cities, immersed in the hustle and bustle of the city, thinking about the rest, most often imagine some uninhabited sunny and sandy beach with palm trees. And the sea itself is associated with a state of serenity, joy, and peace. However, this is only one of its visions.


Александр Прохоренко
- Alexander Vladimirovich, our journal is devoted to the issue of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg and Latin American countries. What can be the basis for such active development of our relations, to your mind?
Алисия Родригес на Алтае
Doctor Alicia Rodríguez, President of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, visits Russia Our planet has beautiful and unusual places such as Altai in Siberia, Russian Federation. The place where pines and birch-trees grow with the leaves moving in the wind and where the river Katun   covered with ice is passing through was called THE PEARL OF AISA by the great Russian painter Nikolai Roerich.
Университет машиностроения
It's hard to imagine the 21st century without millions of vehicles, any kind you can think of. Dozens of design companies, hundreds plants throughout the world are working night and day to make transportation for a modern man as comfortable, safe, and fast as it can get. Ask anyone, and they will be ready to name the most famous automotive concerns and the latest luxury models of "iron horses".
Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba, the primary mission of which was to train skilled professionals with higher education for developing countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America, and the Arab East, was established February 5, 1960. The University still keeps to this purpose, along with training professionals for autonomous areas and regions of Russia. In 1992, the University was renamed as the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia.
When it comes to the best footballer of 20th century Diego Maradona and Pele, the two candidates, are usually mentioned. The matter of who is better still remains unsettled, and they take niche in the footballers' temple of fame by turns. The International Olympic Committee decided to stay away from such dispute ranking Pele "Athlete of the Century".
Международный Красный Крест
BOGOTA, COLOMBIA (21/JUL/2013.) - The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) today announced that initiated contacts with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), for the release of U.S. citizen Sutay Kevin Scott, who was captured on June 20 in a jungle area in the south. "We contacted the Colombian government, the U.S. Embassy, the former senator Piedad Cordoba and the FARC, to announce the willingness to facilitate this release," said ICRC spokesman in Colombia, Edgar Alfonso.
Корпорация «Иркут»
The team of one of the Russian biggest aircraft plants the public corporation “Corporation Irkut” became the winner in the team event at the international forum “Engineers of the Future-2012”.


 One of many places on the planet that travellers want to visit is a small but amazingly beautiful country, comfortably located in Central America, washed by the soft waves of the Pacific Ocean from the west, and the "pirate" waters of the Caribbean Sea from the east - Costa Rica.
мировые достопримечательности,
Global warming, nature and man are causing changes in the ecosystem, so many parts of the world are threatened with extinction. So we have made a selection of tourist attractions you should see, because the forecasts suggest that they will not last long.
Алисия Родригес на Алтае
Alicia Rodriguez is a world renowned actress who played in 53 films and TV series and obtained nine awards as the Best Television Actress of Mexico. But the most important activity of her life she has been involved with during the last 27 years is self-sacrificing dissemination of the Banner of Peace and the Roerich Pact ideas related to protection of cultural values of world significance all over the globe.
Водопад Анхель
Let us go to the north of South America, namely, to Venezuela, which is extremely popular in terms of economic investments in the tourism sector. At Columbus time, the country was called the Land of Grace because of its abundant flora and fauna, and fertile soil. It is in these bountiful lands where the famous Canaima is located, which is mentioned in many stories, legends, fairy tales, films, folk art pieces, and works of art.
