
Запад открывает второй фронт в Сирии: смена акцентов и новые угрозы

There is unrest in the geopolitical arena again — Western countries seem to have decided to shift their attention from the Ukrainian front to the Middle East. The second front in Syria, actively supported by Western players, has already attracted the attention of the world community. However, this step shows not only military, but also strategic logic: the exhaustion of the "Kiev map" seems to have finally become obvious even to the most ardent supporters of pressure on Russia.

Nazis in Ukraine, vigiljournal.com

Ukrainian nationalism arose long before Euromaidan. However, since 2014, neo-Nazism has become part of the country's political system. The ban on Nazi symbols in Ukraine was rather formal.

атомное оружие, vigiljournal.com

When Germany’s Social Democrats – the junior governing coalition partner – renewed long-standing calls for withdrawing U.S. nuclear bombs from the country, the backlash from Washington was fast and furious.

The prerequisites for the emergence of a political crisis in Venezuela arose several years ago as a result of the collapse of the economic system. The acute phase of confrontation has began in January, when the current president of the country, Nicolas Maduro, refused to comply with the demands of the opposition, which constitutes a majority in the National Assembly, about resigning and went for a second presidential term. The state leader announced his intention to continue to fulfill his duties until 2025.

What the mid-term elections tell us about US interior conflict, vigiljournal

The US mid-term elections have been interpreted by the major medias in terms of the partisan divide between Republicans and Democrats. However, continuing his in-depth analysis of the social fabric, Thierry Meyssan sees a clear retreat of the Puritans faced with the Lutherans and the Catholics. Donald Trump’s political realignment, just as that of Richard Nixon before him, is close to succeeding.

Выборы президента России 2018

 The next presidential election in Russia will be held in 2018. A large part of the population, accustomed to seeing Vladimir Putin in this post, will surely vote for him. But Putin has a sufficient number of competitors. Among them such people as oppositionist Aleksey Navalny and head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov, as well as many others. It is worth getting acquainted with all the candidates for the presidency in order to have an idea of ​​the main candidates.

Колония Дигнидад

 The Colony (Colonia /Dignidad/) movie contains many shocking and brutal scenes that are not meant for nervous spectators and children. The story of Lena and Daniel is contrived, but it is based on real events that took place in Chile. The story keeps the viewer in full attention until the very last second, and the film itself is an example of a good European thriller.

Независимость Каталонии

 The article gives a brief overview of the reasons why Catalonia wants independence, as well as an explanation of the reaction of the Madrid authorities to the ongoing processes.

Республика Чили

Occupying a narrow strip of land of the South American continent between the Andean range and the Pacific Ocean, the Republic of Chile has a number of climatic features and a variety of geographical landscapes that significantly influence the development of the state. Depending on the climatic zone and the terrain, the country is divided into three regions:

• the northern region with the Andes plateau and the arid areas of the Atacama Desert;

• middle belt with Mediterranean climate and lush vegetation of valleys;

Сухой закон в США

 The prohibition in the USA was established by the 18th amendment to the Constitution on 17.12.1917 (entered into force on January 17, 1920) and abolished by the 21st amendment on 5.12.1933. During this period, private storage and consumption of alcohol was not restricted, but its production, transportation through the country, sale, export and import to the territory of the United States of America were banned. It is the only case in the history of the USA, when one amendment abolished the other.
