
Мадуро, vigiljournal.com

Attorney General Alejandro Ordóñez said that the policy of persecution and systematic attacks against thousands of Colombians forcibly deported is a "crime against humanity".

The Attorney General of Colombia, Alejandro Ordóñez, had asked the ICC (International Criminal Court) to capture President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and other officials of his government.

Экономика Китая, vigiljournal.com

After the devaluation of the yuan, the international financial markets started trembling. Washington accused Peking of taking advantage of the market. As China wants to incorporate the yuan into the Special Drawing Rights, it is inconvenient to prolong the devaluation. Furthermore, if a currency war broke out, China would risk increasing the economic and geopolitical tensions between countries in the Asian-Pacific region.

Российская армия в Сирии, vigiljournal.com

A profound and significant change has just occurred in the Levant – the Russian army has begun to engage against terrorism in Syria. Although Russia has been absent from the international scene since the dissolution of the Soviet Union, and although it is moving with care, it has just created a Russo-Syrian Commission, has begun supplying weapons, sharing intelligence, and sending advisors. All of this is more or less coordinated with the White House.

Путин G20, vigiljournal.com

The Atlanticist media is categorical: Vladimir Putin was isolated at the G20 because of his aggressive behavior towards the Ukrainian crisis.

However, at no time, did Washington and its allies dare to broach their differences with Russia at the G20, with the "rest of the world" standing together behind Vladimir Putin. The word "Ukraine" is not mentioned in any of the G20 documents.

How is it then that almost every major newspaper in NATO Member States has indulged in the same lie?

США и Боливия, vigiljournal.com

USA and Bolivia are trying again to normalize diplomatic relations after seven years of estrangement and the reciprocal expulsion of ambassadors.
An attempt comes just several days after the historic Summit of Americas, where the rapprochement between the US and Cuba has been witnessed.
The US business representative in La Paz, Peter Brennan, met with bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca to talk about the next steps.

Война в Йемене, vigiljournal.com

The instability in Yemen is being caused not by Iran or the Houthis, but by US and Saudi interference in Yemen — from Saudi Arabia’s 2009 invasion to US drone attacks — and the decades of support that Saudi Arabia has provided for authoritarian and unpopular rule in Yemen.

кризис в Венесуэле, vigiljournal.com

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro today announced measures against the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production of Venezuela (FEDECAMARAS), which he accused of being behind an economic war, aiming to destabilize the country.
In a ceremony held in the state of Anzoategui (east), Maduro also accused the Fedecdmaras of causing misery, by provoking high inflation and commodity shortages.

США и Венесуэла, vigiljournal.com

The Secretary of State, John Kerry, said the United States remain open to address their differences with Venezuela in an attempt to find common areas.
During his participation in the Washington Conference of the Council of the Americas, organized by the Council of the Americas and the State Department, Kerry said, that his work as head of the US State Department is to promote a more productive relationship between the two countries.

Аргентина, vigiljournal.com

The Senate approved with 53 votes in favor and two against the government initiative of Cristina Fernández, which has already been backed by the Chamber of Deputies.
With the enactment of the law on Wednesday, the Argentine State recovered control of the freight and passenger rail system, privatized in the 1990s.
In fact the State has regained control over most of the country’s railway lines because of failure of the companies that controlled them to provide the services.

Brazil, vigiljournal.com

Brazilian President Dilma Rousseff, acknowledged today that there is an "economic problem" in the country, although she hopes that the recovery will come later this year thanks to fiscal adjustments, made by the government.
"Without a shadow of doubt, there is an economic problem in the country. We had a very difficult economic situation," said Rousseff during a meeting with bloggers and journalists from several Brazilian news portals.
