
The US Treasury Department on Tuesday excluded many people and companies linked to Cuba from its list of sanctions, as part of the process of rapprochement initiated by the United States and Cuba after half a century of isolation. In a brief statement, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury reported that from the sanctions list 6 persons, 28 companies and 11 naval vessels have been removed, including vessels operating under Cypriot flag.
экономика Украины,
Faced with the collapse of the Ukrainian economy, the West only offers promises, says US expert. "We have lost a quarter of the national economy," said Yatseniuk at a meeting with governors. He further stated that hundreds of companies had to close, although Ukraine has collected more in taxes this year than in 2014 and there were no delays in social payments.
Бомбардировки Ирана,
Not exactly known for truthfulness, U.S. neocons have been trying to reassure the American people that sinking a negotiated deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program would be a painless proposition, but at least one prominent neocon, Joshua Muravchik, acknowledges that the alternative will be war – and he likes the idea.
A British woman who was expelled from Turkey for allegedly wanting to join jihadist ranks in Syria was arrested on Thursday on her return to London, police reported. The woman of 21 years ''was arrested on entering the UK after a flight from Istanbul has landed,'' the police said in a statement. She is suspected of 'preparing terrorist acts,' police said. Turkey expelled the woman, who was arrested Monday at a bus station in Ankara.
The radical jihadist Islamic State (ISIS) destroyed five historic churches in northern Iraq and removed crucifixes from the cupolas, the priest Bashar Kalia said. The extremists destroyed the tombs, the statues, drawings, engravings of Virgin Mary in the ancient monastery and the religious monument of Markurkas, in the district of Al Arabi, in Mosul. They also raised terrorist group Black flags atop the church.
The Peruvian government seeks to protect Mashco-piro an Amazonian tribe which has been living in isolation for years and recently began to leave its territory, probably driven by mining and illegal logging. It is an ethnic group of hunters and gatherers who speak an unknown language. Consisting of about 800 members, for years the tribe has lived on a reservation of Madre de Dios (on the border with Brazil), the region with the largest illegal gold production in the country, but now it is moving.
The Mèrida Initiative was planned by the U.S. and Mexican authorities as a program that would satisfy all skeptics. It was expected that the Initiative would please Mexicans who see the “new U.S. expansion” in everything; and the representatives of the Washington establishment who want to justify these fears at the expense of humanitarian intervention; and those who strongly believe that the drug trafficking is the exclusively Mexican internal problem that the USA should not intervene into.
эпидемия Эбола,
The epidemic of Ebola hemorrhagic fever in West Africa caused more than 10,000 deaths, reported on Thursday the World Health Organization (WHO) in its latest statement, updated on March 10. In total 24’350 people have been affected by this epidemic, according to the same source. Since the beginning of the spread of the virus in early 2014, 4’162 people have died and 9’343 people have been affected in Liberia.
Миграционный контроль
At all times, people have been moving from one place to another in search of a better life regardless of their nationality or skin color. Someone escaped from oppressions, someone tried to start a new life in a new place from a clean slate, for some people change of place meant enrichment, glory, and honor. Some people had to change their residence against their own will: as a punishment people were not sent to prison, but to exile, forever.
Culture of peoples that inhabited the New World territory in pre-Columbian era has always attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world. Not only scientists but just curious people also took part in the researches – dozens of daredevils of different nationalities set off on the dangerous expedition into the wild places of Yucatan, the Amazon and the Peruvian desert for discoveries.


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