
The new Secretary General of NATO (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, denied that the alliance seeks a confrontation with Russia and blamed that the country has deteriorated its bilateral relations. "NATO continues to aspire for a cooperative relationship with Russia, but to achieve this, Russia has to demonstrate its willing and take clear steps to render it possible," said the secretary in his first speech since taking command of the organization, on October the 1st .
Ближний Восток
Seven Worst-Case Scenarios in the Battle with the Islamic State       You know the joke? You describe something obviously heading for disaster -- a friend crossing Death Valley with next to no gas in his car -- and then add, “What could possibly go wrong?”
Александр Прохоренко
- Alexander Vladimirovich, our journal is devoted to the issue of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg and Latin American countries. What can be the basis for such active development of our relations, to your mind?
That was a mere sensation... Within two weeks of Sochi Olympics the 22 channel of Mexican TV interviewed the Russians staying in Mexico in prime time every evening. For the first time in history of the two countries the Russians were shown in close up on Mexican TV open-mindedly, with a great interest and obvious sympathy. Mexico rediscovered Russia and the Russians. One of the local reporters called it 'Russian Conquista'.
Мексиканская кухня
We invite you to enjoy Mexican cuisine.
MOSCOW -- Russia, holder of the world's fifth largest stash of foreign currencies, is increasing its gold purchases. One reason for this is the country's increasing wariness of the dollar and euro now that Russia has come under U.S. and European sanctions over the Ukraine crisis. Another reason is that these currencies are becoming increasingly risky to hold due to the swelling debts of the governments that back them.
Барак Обама
President Barack Obama escalated the drone war he has conducted for the past five and a half years by declaring his intention to “degrade and ultimately destroy” the Islamic State, also known as ISIS, or ISIL. Since August 8, Obama has mounted at least 154 airstrikes in Iraq. He will send 475 additional US troops, increasing the total number in Iraq to about 1,600. Obama announced he would conduct “a systematic campaign of airstrikes” in Iraq, and possibly in Syria.
Россия и Мексика
Counsellor of the Russian Embassy in Mexico for Economic Affairs Nikolai Shkolyar: 'Development of the export support strategy is necessary for effective promotion of Russian products abroad'  
Rubén Beltran, Ambassador of Mexico to the Russian Federation from January, 2013. A diplomat by education, he started his career in the Mexican diplomatic service in 1981. Among other positions, he headed General Consulate of Mexico in New York (2007-2010), General Consulate of Mexico in Phoenix, Arizona (2001-2003) and was deputy secretary on Latin America and the Caribbean. 
Алисия Родригес на Алтае
Doctor Alicia Rodríguez, President of the International Committee of the Banner of Peace, visits Russia Our planet has beautiful and unusual places such as Altai in Siberia, Russian Federation. The place where pines and birch-trees grow with the leaves moving in the wind and where the river Katun   covered with ice is passing through was called THE PEARL OF AISA by the great Russian painter Nikolai Roerich.


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