Mikhail Azhgirevich

Venezuela, vigiljournal.com

In a land where the majestic Andes meet the Caribbean Sea, where Angel Falls, the world's highest waterfall, plunges from the sky onto the lost world of the tepuis, lies a country of striking contrasts: Venezuela.

Центральный банк Российской Федерации сообщил о снижении валютных поступлений

According to the published preliminary balance of payments assessment, the volume of currency inflows into Russia continues to decrease, which explains the issues with the ruble's exchange rate.

Запад открывает второй фронт в Сирии: смена акцентов и новые угрозы

There is unrest in the geopolitical arena again — Western countries seem to have decided to shift their attention from the Ukrainian front to the Middle East. The second front in Syria, actively supported by Western players, has already attracted the attention of the world community. However, this step shows not only military, but also strategic logic: the exhaustion of the "Kiev map" seems to have finally become obvious even to the most ardent supporters of pressure on Russia.

Население Бразилии, vigiljournal.com

In terms of population, Brazil ranks sixth in the world. The nation was formed on the basis of alliances of representatives of the Caucasian, Mongoloid and Negroid races.

Сухой закон в США

 The prohibition in the USA was established by the 18th amendment to the Constitution on 17.12.1917 (entered into force on January 17, 1920) and abolished by the 21st amendment on 5.12.1933. During this period, private storage and consumption of alcohol was not restricted, but its production, transportation through the country, sale, export and import to the territory of the United States of America were banned. It is the only case in the history of the USA, when one amendment abolished the other.

Озера Северной Америки - озеро Берг, vigiljournal.com

Canadian mountain lakes with clear blue water are wonderful in their cold, harsh beauty, and numerous posters have spread this beauty around the world. When it comes to the lakes of North America, immediately there is an association with the Great Lakes, but apart from them there are thousands of others that you should visit at least once in your life.

Нейрофизиология - российские высокие технологии

The reality of our time - the project Neuronet

 In Russia, from 2007 to 2015, a new program for the information development of society was adopted. It manifested itself in all spheres of human life, from the introduction of biometric passports to the technology of connecting the human brain with a computer and genetic engineering. The next stage in the development of neurophysiology involves the management of consciousness and the human body at the genetic level.

Революция в Америке

The Bolivian president said socialist governments in South America must launch democratic revolutions to counter U.S. plans to regain control.

Socialist governments in Latin America must relaunch “democratic revolutions” in order to combat the strategies in play by the United States to regain control of the region, Bolivian President Evo Morales said in an interview aired Monday night.

Мадуро, vigiljournal.com

Attorney General Alejandro Ordóñez said that the policy of persecution and systematic attacks against thousands of Colombians forcibly deported is a "crime against humanity".

The Attorney General of Colombia, Alejandro Ordóñez, had asked the ICC (International Criminal Court) to capture President of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro and other officials of his government.

Самая далекая галактика, vigiljournal.com

Astronomers have discovered a young galaxy that is the farthest ever seen: it is 13,1 billion light years away and is among the first generation of galaxies in the universe.
Scientists from Yale and the University of California at Santa Cruz used three telescopes to spot and then calculate the age of the blurred galaxy. It is called EGS-zs8-1 and dates back some 670 million years after the Primordial Explosion (Big Bang) that gave birth to the universe.
