
Самая далекая галактика,
Astronomers have discovered a young galaxy that is the farthest ever seen: it is 13,1 billion light years away and is among the first generation of galaxies in the universe. Scientists from Yale and the University of California at Santa Cruz used three telescopes to spot and then calculate the age of the blurred galaxy. It is called EGS-zs8-1 and dates back some 670 million years after the Primordial Explosion (Big Bang) that gave birth to the universe.
засуха в США,
The Board of Control of the State Water Resources adopted rules requiring cities to limit watering of public property and encourage homeowners. California regulators adopted unprecedented broad restrictions on how people and companies can use the water because of the intense drought in the state. The Board of Control of the State Water Resources on Tuesday approved rules requiring cities to limit watering of public property and encourage homeowners to dry their lawns.
боевики ИГИЛ,
The Obama administration offered a reward of 20 million dollars for information leading to four key figures of the Islamic State (ISIS), a militant group fighting in Iraq and Syria. The State Department is seeking information that could lead to the arrest of 'Abd al-Rahman Mustafa al-Qaduli, Abu Mohammed al-Adnani, Tarkhan Tayumurazovich Batirashvili and Tariq Bin-al-Tahar bin al Falih al-'Awni al-Harzi.
США и Боливия,
USA and Bolivia are trying again to normalize diplomatic relations after seven years of estrangement and the reciprocal expulsion of ambassadors. An attempt comes just several days after the historic Summit of Americas, where the rapprochement between the US and Cuba has been witnessed. The US business representative in La Paz, Peter Brennan, met with bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca to talk about the next steps.
Война в Йемене,
The instability in Yemen is being caused not by Iran or the Houthis, but by US and Saudi interference in Yemen — from Saudi Arabia’s 2009 invasion to US drone attacks — and the decades of support that Saudi Arabia has provided for authoritarian and unpopular rule in Yemen.
кризис в Венесуэле,
Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro today announced measures against the Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Production of Venezuela (FEDECAMARAS), which he accused of being behind an economic war, aiming to destabilize the country. In a ceremony held in the state of Anzoategui (east), Maduro also accused the Fedecdmaras of causing misery, by provoking high inflation and commodity shortages.
Артефакты древнего Египта,
Today USA returned to the government of Egypt dozens of ancient archaeological pieces that had been illegally smuggled into the country. The pieces were recovered as part of operation "Curse of the Mummy" and handed over in the building of the National Geographic Society, including a Greco-Roman style sarcophagus, sculpture of a horse and multiple figurines.
Технологии в полиции,
“I predict that we will see a whole new wave of UAVs emerging with payloads more unusual than tasers, dart guns and paintball guns.” — Guy Martin, editor of Defence Web, BBC News, Jun 18, 2014
США и Венесуэла,
The Secretary of State, John Kerry, said the United States remain open to address their differences with Venezuela in an attempt to find common areas. During his participation in the Washington Conference of the Council of the Americas, organized by the Council of the Americas and the State Department, Kerry said, that his work as head of the US State Department is to promote a more productive relationship between the two countries.
In Latin America there are some 420 aircrafts manufactured in Russia which include a hundred helicopters Mi-8/17, 18 fighters Su-25, 31 MiG-29 and 70 MiG-21. On Wednesday Rostec the Russian state company said it is considering creating a center for aircraft maintenance and Russian helicopters in Latin America. “Rostec” has revealed that the first center for component repairs and parts replacement, as a pilot project will be created in Peru.


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Митинг безработных
Unemployment has shown its darker side, becoming perhaps the biggest economic and social problem worldwide. The current situation is not very different from the Great Depression of the 1930s, when millions of people were left without work.
MOSCOW, RUSSIA (01/JUN/2013.) - The presidents of Russia and the U.S., Vladimir Putin and Barack Obama, have instructed their security services to find a solution to the case of the CIA ex-technician Edward Snowden, today announced Nikolai Patrushev, secretary of Russia's Security Council.
Эквадор и США
QUITO, ECUADOR (27/JUN/2013.) - Ecuador's government announced on Thursday that it waives tariff preferences it receives from the United States due to the pressures of the case of former U.S. spy Edward Snowden, who sought asylum at the South American country. The communications secretary of the Presidency of Ecuador, Fernando Alvarado said Ecuador "does not accept pressure or threats from anyone, and does not trade the principles for the mercantile interests, however important they may be".
Снайперы в укрытии
WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES (26/JUN/2013.) - The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have begun to move weapons to Jordan as part of the U.S. plan to strengthen the forces fighting against the regime of Bashar al-Assad, said today The Wall Street Journal (WSJ).
Опасность радиации
WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES (19/JUN/2013.) - The U.S. federal authorities today accused two men from New York of conspiring to build a weapon of directed energy beams supposedly able to kill "enemies of Israel" with the same power as the 1945 U.S. nuclear attack on Hiroshima.
Засуха в Боливии
LA PAZ, BOLIVIA (19/JUN/2013.) - The Bolivian government has declared today a national emergency due to the drought in four of the nine states of Bolivia, where nearly 17 000 families have been left homeless, informed Ruben Saavedra of the Ministry of Defense,. Drought affected twelve municipalities in the regions of Chuquisaca, Tarija, Santa Cruz and Cochabamba, with slightly more than 86 000 hectares and almost 49 000 heads of cattle, the senior official explained.
Путин и Обама
Enniskillen, UK (17/JUN/2013.) - United States and Russia acknowledged today that their positions on the conflict in Syria are divergent, but stressed that share mutual interest to end violence and warring parties to negotiate. The U.S. president, Barack Obama, and Vladimir Putin, discussed today at the G8 summit, the dramatic situation in Syria during a meeting that lasted more than two hours.
Эдвард Сноуден
LONDON, GREAT BRITAIN (17/JUN/2013.) - Edward Snowden, responsible for the leaks of the secret surveillance programs in the U.S. currently in hiding in Hong Kong, told the British newspaper "The Guardian" that the government of his country can’t "stop the truth."
Бунт мигрантов
WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES (12/JUN/2013.) - The United States Senate debate on comprehensive immigration law on Wednesday focused on border security. Republicans argued that the bill requires much stricter clauses in the area and some Republicans suggested that Democrats simply want to destroy the project.
HONG KONG, CHINA (12/JUN/2013.) - The Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei criticized today the US wiretapping program, revealed in internet by a former CIA agent, and warned that this could lead Beijing to increase its control. "The United States dominates the highest technologies, is the leader. Many standards on information, on ethics, on legislation are established by these leaders," said the artist, to the South China Morning Post on Wednesday.
