
Озера Северной Америки - озеро Берг,
Canadian mountain lakes with clear blue water are wonderful in their cold, harsh beauty, and numerous posters have spread this beauty around the world. When it comes to the lakes of North America, immediately there is an association with the Great Lakes, but apart from them there are thousands of others that you should visit at least once in your life.
Золотые самолетики
The exposition of the museum, which is located in the building of the state bank of Colombia, you can see the figures made of pure gold. They are very similar to beautiful birds. Their size is only from one to four centimeters. Scientists have discovered them during the scientific and archeological expeditions, during excavations of the burials of the leaders of Indian tribes. Presumably, they were used as decorations in the form of brooches. But there is also a hypothesis that these are ancient amulets.
The Museum of Archeology of Great Britain has received a priceless treasure - part of a small tablet made of wax, where the capital of Britain is mentioned. According to the historians' assumption - the tablet was something like a postal address and belonged to someone from the Romans. The document was dated by scientists from 65 to 85 years AD. This is the oldest written mentioning of London. Earlier it was 117 AD, and the record, where it was written about London, was made by the famous Roman historian Tacitus.
Хрустальный череп цивилизации майя
In 1927, the state of Honduras, located in Central America, was under British rule. At this time, the British organized a scientific archeological expedition to the ruins of the ancient city of Maya civilization Lubaantun. The result did not keep itself waiting. Scientists have discovered an incredible, fantastic object - a polished human skull made of fine crystal.
недвижимость а Аргентине
 Are you tired of the routine of your life, and you want to embellish it by moving to another country? Our desires are endless and not always we can afford anything we want. However, many do not realize that there are countries in which life is not a multi-million dollar luxury, and the benefits received abroad are quite suitable for our pocket expenses, including the purchase of housing.
Преступность в Мексике
An increase in homicides that could make 2017 one of Mexico’s most violent years on record has done little to deter visitors from the United States although Canadian figures have shown a decline.  Federal government statistics show that tourist numbers have continued to grow despite rising insecurity that last week triggered a new travel warning for Mexico by the United States Department of State.
Правосудия в Мексике,
Mexico is the worst country in Latin America for impunity, according to a study by the Universidad de las Américas Puebla (University of the Americas in Puebla, or UDLAP).  Mexico topped the Global Impunity Index for Latin America and was the fourth worst country among the 69 that were analyzed worldwide.  The index measures systems of security, justice and the protection of human rights and structural capacity to come up with its numbers.
Teenage drug use has doubled in Mexico in five years, but among teenage girls it has soared 205%.  The number of youths aged 12 to 17 that have used illegal drugs increased from just under 3% in 2011 to just over 6% last year.
Мексиканские ученые в США,
Mexican scientists and researchers are forced to seek employment and career development abroad due to a lack of infrastructure and resources as well as government corruption that prevent them from advancing in their work, say Mexican academics based in the United States.
Royal Dutch Shell в Мексике,
Almost everyone knows about United States and Canadian investment in Mexico thanks to the ample information provided regarding the North American Free Trade Agreement. But how many people are aware of Dutch investment in Mexico? Not many, probably.


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The European Commissioner for Justice, Vera Jourova, estimates that between 5,000 and 6,000 Europeans have gone to Syria to join jihadist groups, and even admits that these figures could be "highly underestimated". Of these, 1,450 have left France, Jourova explains in an interview published by the French newspaper "Le Figaro", which justifies the relevance for the European Union to establish judicial cooperation agreements with third countries.
мировой кризис,
The UN Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons, Chaloka Beyani, today urged the international community “to prepare for massive displacement and humanitarian crisis as conflict torn Yemen further descends into chaos and civilians flee the fighting.”
Война в Йемене,
The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became very uneasy when the Yemenese or Yemenite movement of the Houthi or Ansarallah (meaning the supporters of God in Arabic) gained control of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa/Sana, in September 2014. The US-supported Yemenite President Abd-Rabbuh Manṣour Al-Hadi was humiliatingly forced to share power with the Houthis and the coalition of northern Yemenese tribes that had helped them enter Sana.
Великобритания усилит оборону Фолклендских островов,
Defence secretary expected to announce reinforcements of troops and equipment after Argentina said to be buying long-range bombers from Russia Britain is to “beef up” the defence of the Falkland Islands the government has confirmed, amid reports of an increased risk of invasion by Argentina.
The Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Ban Ki-moon said today that 8400 million dollars are needed to meet the humanitarian needs in Syria. During the Third International Donors Conference for this Arab country, held in Kuwait with the participation of 67 countries and numerous humanitarian organizations, Ban Ki-moon warned that "the Syrians are victims of the worst humanitarian crisis of our time".
Выборы в Боливии,
Some six million Bolivians attended the polls today to elect nine governors and 339 mayors, among other regional authorities on a day which saw a high turnout and only minor incidents. Reports from the Bolivian Information Agency (ABI), which quoted the government, the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE) and international observer missions, detailed the course of the elections. Also during the elections 4500 regional authorities have been nominated.
протесты в Венесуэле,
More than three million Venezuelans have signed up against a decree of the President of the United States (US), Barack Obama, which sees Venezuela as "a threat," said leader of the United Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) and mayor of the Libertador municipality of Caracas Jorge Rodriguez.
The US Treasury Department on Tuesday excluded many people and companies linked to Cuba from its list of sanctions, as part of the process of rapprochement initiated by the United States and Cuba after half a century of isolation. In a brief statement, the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the Treasury reported that from the sanctions list 6 persons, 28 companies and 11 naval vessels have been removed, including vessels operating under Cypriot flag.
Бомбардировки Ирана,
Not exactly known for truthfulness, U.S. neocons have been trying to reassure the American people that sinking a negotiated deal with Iran to limit its nuclear program would be a painless proposition, but at least one prominent neocon, Joshua Muravchik, acknowledges that the alternative will be war – and he likes the idea.
A British woman who was expelled from Turkey for allegedly wanting to join jihadist ranks in Syria was arrested on Thursday on her return to London, police reported. The woman of 21 years ''was arrested on entering the UK after a flight from Istanbul has landed,'' the police said in a statement. She is suspected of 'preparing terrorist acts,' police said. Turkey expelled the woman, who was arrested Monday at a bus station in Ankara.
