
Бедность в Латинской Америке
NEW YORK, UNITED STATES (14/JUN/2013.) - The Latin American and Caribbean countries in 2011 managed to have a greater number of people living in the middle class than in poverty, but the region is still far from reaching the prosperity of the rich countries as one out of four Latin Americans lives on less than four dollars a day, reported the World Bank on Friday.
Эрнесто "Че" Гевара
HAVANA, CUBA (13/JUN/2013.) - Cuba began today celebrations of the 85th anniversary of legendary Argentine-Cuban guerrilla Ernesto Che Guevara, which will take place tomorrow 14th June, to remember and to analyze his particular vision of socialism. The life and work of the guerrilla commander are topics of the symposium "Che Guevara at the current time" opened on Thursday in the Ministry of Higher Education in Havana.
NEW YORK, UNITED STATES (13/JUN/2013). - The world population will reach 10 000 900 million in 2100, against the current seven thousand 200 million, mainly due to the high birth rate in the poorest countries of Africa, announced at the UN Thursday as it released new projections.
Бунт мигрантов
WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES (12/JUN/2013.) - The United States Senate debate on comprehensive immigration law on Wednesday focused on border security. Republicans argued that the bill requires much stricter clauses in the area and some Republicans suggested that Democrats simply want to destroy the project.
HONG KONG, CHINA (12/JUN/2013.) - The Chinese artist and activist Ai Weiwei criticized today the US wiretapping program, revealed in internet by a former CIA agent, and warned that this could lead Beijing to increase its control. "The United States dominates the highest technologies, is the leader. Many standards on information, on ethics, on legislation are established by these leaders," said the artist, to the South China Morning Post on Wednesday.
Facebook против Google
WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES (12/JUN/2013.) - Facebook today joined Google in asking U.S. federal authorities permission to release data related to cyber spying programs secretly revealed to the press last week. Facebook's general counsel, Ted Ullyot, said today: "we would welcome an opportunity to provide a transparent report that would allow us to share worldwide with those who use Facebook the picture of the requirements which we have received from the government and how we responded" .
Россия и Бразилия
RIO DE JANEIRO, BRAZIL (11/JUN/2013.) - The Brazilian government proposed to Russia, one of the initiators of the international peace conference on Syria to allow their participation and that of the other countries "to contribute to consensus " announced on Tuesday Foreign Minister Antonio Patriota.
Влияние доллара США на мировую экономику
The U.S. tax law that would force financial institutions worldwide to report to U.S. tax authorities will increase expenses and modify global banking culture, financial experts said today. "From 2014 we will have another way of banking," said at a press conference the specialist in risk consulting firm Deloitte, Ramon Arosemena.
Обама и Умала
11 JUN. 2013. The presidents of the United States, B. Obama, and Peru, O. Humala, agreed today to promote educational exchanges between the two countries and strengthen cooperation against the "scourge" of the drugs. "The state of our relationship is very strong," summarized Obama after receiving Humala in the Oval Office at the White House.
Неисчезающий рай, налоговые гавани,
Very little has changed since the G-20 announced the end of offshore havens in 2009. A new report by the NGO ActionAid puts in question the British government's political will to combat the problem.


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