
Путин G20,

The Atlanticist media is categorical: Vladimir Putin was isolated at the G20 because of his aggressive behavior towards the Ukrainian crisis.

However, at no time, did Washington and its allies dare to broach their differences with Russia at the G20, with the "rest of the world" standing together behind Vladimir Putin. The word "Ukraine" is not mentioned in any of the G20 documents.

How is it then that almost every major newspaper in NATO Member States has indulged in the same lie?


The members of the G7 just ended their 41st summit. The leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the UK and US gathered in a great Bavarian palace, the Schloss Elmau. It was a fitting location for the masters of the universe.

They claim that the maintenance of world order is their passtime. In fact, what they are most interested in is the preservation of their power at any cost.

Война в Йемене,

The instability in Yemen is being caused not by Iran or the Houthis, but by US and Saudi interference in Yemen — from Saudi Arabia’s 2009 invasion to US drone attacks — and the decades of support that Saudi Arabia has provided for authoritarian and unpopular rule in Yemen.


In Latin America there are some 420 aircrafts manufactured in Russia which include a hundred helicopters Mi-8/17, 18 fighters Su-25, 31 MiG-29 and 70 MiG-21. On Wednesday Rostec the Russian state company said it is considering creating a center for aircraft maintenance and Russian helicopters in Latin America. “Rostec” has revealed that the first center for component repairs and parts replacement, as a pilot project will be created in Peru.

Война в Йемене,

The United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia became very uneasy when the Yemenese or Yemenite movement of the Houthi or Ansarallah (meaning the supporters of God in Arabic) gained control of Yemen’s capital, Sanaa/Sana, in September 2014. The US-supported Yemenite President Abd-Rabbuh Manṣour Al-Hadi was humiliatingly forced to share power with the Houthis and the coalition of northern Yemenese tribes that had helped them enter Sana.

Великобритания усилит оборону Фолклендских островов,

Defence secretary expected to announce reinforcements of troops and equipment after Argentina said to be buying long-range bombers from Russia
Britain is to “beef up” the defence of the Falkland Islands the government has confirmed, amid reports of an increased risk of invasion by Argentina.

Миграционный контроль

At all times, people have been moving from one place to another in search of a better life regardless of their nationality or skin color. Someone escaped from oppressions, someone tried to start a new life in a new place from a clean slate, for some people change of place meant enrichment, glory, and honor. Some people had to change their residence against their own will: as a punishment people were not sent to prison, but to exile, forever.

Culture of peoples that inhabited the New World territory in pre-Columbian era has always attracted the attention of scientists from all over the world. Not only scientists but just curious people also took part in the researches – dozens of daredevils of different nationalities set off on the dangerous expedition into the wild places of Yucatan, the Amazon and the Peruvian desert for discoveries.

The new Secretary General of NATO (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, denied that the alliance seeks a confrontation with Russia and blamed that the country has deteriorated its bilateral relations.

"NATO continues to aspire for a cooperative relationship with Russia, but to achieve this, Russia has to demonstrate its willing and take clear steps to render it possible," said the secretary in his first speech since taking command of the organization, on October the 1st .

Александр Прохоренко

- Alexander Vladimirovich, our journal is devoted to the issue of cooperation between Saint-Petersburg and Latin American countries. What can be the basis for such active development of our relations, to your mind?
