The May 9 is a sacred day ... And not just for the citizens of the former Soviet Union, but also for all progressive mankind! 22 years have passed since the Soviet Union has ceased to exist - 15 republics, 15 sisters ..... But on May 9 fade all visible and invisible borders between the former Soviet republics, in this day all veterans who have survived in that terrible war and their descendants take to the streets of cities and villages, joined again by the spirit of brotherhood, and in the day of the Great Victory.
The team of one of the Russian biggest aircraft plants the public corporation “Corporation Irkut” became the winner in the team event at the international forum “Engineers of the Future-2012”.
Only after the last tree has been cut down,
Only after the last river has been poisoned,
Only after the last fish has been caught,
Only then will you find that money cannot be eaten.
(Cree Indian Prophecy)
Russia and Chile should broaden close cooperation in all respects year by year. This is the opinion of Michail Orlovets, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Russian Federation to Chile. In his interview to our journal he told us about political, trade, economic, and cultural aspects of cooperation, and also gave useful advice to Russian entrepreneurs.
This year the Russian Engineering Union is celebrating its first jubilee. Within five years the organization not only united the leading companies of the country, but became a powerful driving force. The important step was made last year, when a new political trend connected with participation in All-Russia People’s Front arose.
20 years is an insignificant moment for a planet’s life, but it is considerable time for the development of a state, as for a man it is a long period. Exactly two decades ago at the Summit on Earth Problems in Rio de Janeiro leaders from more than 100 countries after approving “Agenda for 21 century” worked out a program on sustainable development security.
But the difficulties occur in a new principality. And firstly, if it be not entirely new, but is, as it were, a member of a state which, taken collectively, may be called composite, the changes arise chiefly from an inherent difficulty which there is in all new principalities; for men change their rulers willingly, hoping to better themselves, and this hope induces them to take up arms against him who rules: wherein they are deceived, because they
afterwards find by experience they have gone from bad to worse.
It is well known from the finance theory that “profit” and “risk” terms always go hand in hand, as in case of change of any parameter the other one changes as well. There are a lot of theoretical and applied researches based on the classic “Portfolio Theory” of Harry Markowitz describing a combination of risky and risk-free assets (practical financiers also widely use the William Sharpe ratio).
Archaeological findings in Monte-Verde prove that people lived on the territory of contemporary Chile 12 thousand years ago. According to researchers’ opinion, they built their life in a strict concord with natural cycles and created their culture in harmony with environment. Meals were cooked from wild fruit and meat hunted animals. Both people and certainly their meals have changed through millennia. Chilean cuisine developed actively and kept the most delicious meals after trying thousands of recipes.
In the financial world occurrences which have not found their expression in fundamental scientific works yet regularly appear and persist for a long time. Let’s consider the most interesting and fundamental ones.